The calm before the storm









If you haven't noticed it's been pretty quiet around the Nutritionize blog lately. There is a lot cooking in the kitchen and I look forward to sharing it all with you soon… in the meantime take a moment to enjoy the silence. You won't be hearing too much until June, and this is a good thing. With the wealth of information at our fingertips it's easy to have info overload and face minor paralysis from the contradictory findings. One site says eat meat, another says no meat, one says splenda and another says organic brown sugar, one says excercise atleast 30 mins a day and another says don't sit for more than 6 hours regardless of exercise, and the list goes on and on. Ultimately what does it boil down to? How do YOU feel? And the answer comes during a period of silence. When you are paying attention to how, when, what you eat and say and do, you eventually become more in tune with your body and hear advice from the MOST trusted source, yourself. Summer is around th corner and with it comes swim suit season, crossfit games, and strong man races… how do you prepare? My advice, eat clean based on a trusted theory/framework, drink plenty of water, sleep well, laugh a lot, and everyday give ask yourself  "How do I feel?" and then give yourself one minute of silence before getting sucked into the storm of life.

Good luck on all your undertakings for the next month or so… I take off in 23 days for the AIDS ride and will keep you posted about my physical, emotional, and nutritional adventure via FB so if you are not a fan, become one here!

To follow my SF-LA on a bike adventure visit my site.

What is your calm before the storm? Post to commments…



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Ritu Riyat is an applied yoga and mindfulness expert. She equips her clients with tools to reconnect with their bodies, eliminate stress, and make more informed decisions about their health and well being.

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