DIY Organic Pesticides

It’s spring week on Nutritionize and a great time to get outdoors and into the garden. Have you ever wondered what to do about those pesky pests that prey on your precious plants? Pesticides are toxic to the plants and everyone that comes into contact with them (you and your furry family members). Today we bring back Rose Baker as our guest blogger ( I told you you’d be seeing more of her). She is all about DIY tips to concocting your own “organic pesticides” using ingredients fresh from your kitchen. Share your tips in the comments!   pesticide-and-mouse If you love to garden or keep plants in your house, then chances are there are a few other things that you probably enjoy. You probably like spending time outside, digging in the dirt, and feeling like you’re connecting with nature. You probably also like eating your healthy, super locally grown vegetables. Maybe you even like worms and bugs and all the other creepy crawlers that you find in your garden. Even if you don’t like the bugs and other pests that make their home in and around your garden, chances are you are willing to come to a natural truce with them. You probably do not want to harm the environment by getting rid of them, you just want to protect your garden and the vegetables that you have spent so much time choosing and planting. If you are used to buying regular, conventional pesticides to deal with your pest problem, you may want to consider alternatives. Regular pesticides can be very dangerous to both people and pets, not to mention the environment. You can make organic pesticides at home and it is surprisingly easy. Below are some instructions to make your own organic pesticides so that you do not need to use the artificial, harmful ones you may currently be using.

Natural Pesticide #1  Neem

Neem has been used for thousands of years as a natural pesticide. Ancient Indians used it, and people still use it today. Neem juice has more than fifty natural insecticides in it. It is a very bitter leaf that can be made into a spray or purchased in some stores. You can also make it home by combining half a teaspoon of high quality organic neem oil with the same amount of mild organic liquid soap and two quarts of warm water. Stir them together slowly and put in a spray bottle for use.

Natural Pesticide #2  Citrus Oil with Cayenne Pepper

Mixing together citrus oil with cayenne pepper makes another powerful and natural pesticide. Just combine three tablespoons of liquid organic castile soap with one ounce of orange oil and one gallon of water. Shake it all together and it is ready to use. It is a great defense against pesky roaches, slugs, and ants.

Natural Pesticide #3  Garlic and Pepper

You can also mix together more standard ingredients that you probably already have stashed away somewhere in your kitchen. This combination requires a little bit of forethought, but it’s easy enough if you have some patience. Add a half a cup of hot peppers to a half a cup of garlics (or onions) and two cups of water. Steep the ingredients all together for twenty-four hours, preferably in a sunny spot in your kitchen. Then strain the liquid into a spray bottle and voila! Pesticide.

Natural Pesticide #4  Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is probably not something you already have laying around, but it is a good thing to have in your home. It is a fantastic natural pesticide to keep away flies, bees and wasps. Anywhere you find some bugs, spray some of your eucalyptus oil and they will be gone before you even blink your eyes. These are just a smattering of the options when it comes to natural and organic pesticides. Remember that using more natural ingredients is good for you, your family, your pets, your plants, and the environment!   ________________________________________________________________________ About the Author: Rose Marie Baker is a nutritionist and environmentalist with a passion for sustainable eating. Click here for more info on MCP Containment and how you can help protect the water supply.   _________________________________________________________________________

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Spring On: Mindful Eating & Asana April 7 from 2-4 pm

In this 2 hour workshop we will explore how to use food, movement, and meditation to support your body’s seasonal changes. Session will include yoga poses, mindful meditation, and nutrition education. For more information and to register click here. 

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Ritu Riyat is an applied yoga and mindfulness expert. She equips her clients with tools to reconnect with their bodies, eliminate stress, and make more informed decisions about their health and well being.

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